In episode 81, the OFFICIAL rules for the tournament of power have been announced. it has also been revealed that the entire tournament will last roughly 48 minutes, and ALL 80 fighters will be battling on the arena at the same time. the rules are as follows:
1. Fighters must leave the arena (through any means) to be removed from the tournament.
2. Outside weapons are not allowed (only techniques)
3. Killing is not allowed
4. Flight abilities are nullified during the tournament
5. The universe with the most remaining fighters once the time limit is up wins the tournament
imagine yourself, suddenly transported to an unknown location alongside your team (as any universe you choose to be a part of). suddenly there is nothing but void, you are all alone. then your feet meet with the floor, at the same time, you see your team again. do you know them? can you trust them? there is one giant arena with all 80 fighters on it. the 48 minute count down is about to begin. you notice the tension that has been building in the air start to surround team universe 7, yet you can't forget that every team is surrounded by their enemy. you look around and there are only fearsome fighters whom you know nothing about. there will only be one universe to be victorious, and defeat is not an option for anyone. will you form a temporary alliance with another universe, or stand only with your own?
you are not allowed to kill anyone, yet your actions will mean the deaths of quadrillions of lives no matter what you do.
this is phenomenal. these rules promote battling together as a team rather than there being a carry. it is rare in the dragon ball franchise that the z warriors do battle as a team. this tournament turns everything we know on its head and produces a new type of battle that we've never seen before. to really understand the hype, you have to understand just how well these rules compliment each other. all a universe has to do to win this tournament is to defend or retreat. this means that it is not just about battle strength. tactics, strategy, and ability are key. even if 9 fighters from a universe get knocked unconscious, the last team member can defend them until they wake up or the timer runs out, and that will still count as having all 10 fighters since they were not removed from the arena. i can't stress enough that we have never seen anything like this in the dragon ball franchise before.
we've seen that goku, vegeta, and gohan are even vulnerable to stupid things like poison or sleeping gas. if there is a fighter with AOE paralysis abilities in the arena, universe 7 is done for (well if they didn't have androids at least). think about it, goku has shown all of the gods his full power. all they have to do is gather fighters that can counter that power, even without fighting it. they obviously will do this, and maybe even urge their fighters to work with other universes to take out universe 7 first just because they know what goku is capable of. to them it is not just a battle of strength, it is a battle for survival. i suppose a petty universe can gather fighters so weak that they will die just by being touched. if they can't even be touched, how can they be defeated with rules like this?
anything is possible and we have no idea what's going to happen. then you also have to consider other aspects of the tournament, like what if there is a tie? the only rules regarding winning is that the team with the most fighters still left on the field after the time limit wins. this means that even all 8 universes can tie with each other, or even 2 universes can tie with each other. i believe there will be a tie and then we may see some 1v1s. this can potentially be the greatest tournament in all of anime history.
what do you guys think will happen in this tournament? any thoughts or suggestions on how things might play out? what kind of fighters do you think or expect to see?